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#back造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Back at the station the chief inspector returned the call.回到警察局后,督察长回了电话。

2、Bosh is 7 for 19, I hope he bounces back next game.波什19投7中,我希望他能在下场比赛卷土重来。

3、Eric brings us back to the puzzle we've been wrestling with since we started reading Locke.埃里克带我们回到了自从我们开始读洛克之后就一直在努力解决的难题。

4、Halley's Comet is going to come back in 2061.哈雷彗星将在2061年返回。

5、Fine. We have just finished our market survey, so everything is back to normal.不错,我们刚完成市场调查,这样一切又恢复正常。

6、The double result is turned back into a char with a cast利用一个“造型”,double结果会转换回char。

7、To move forward step by step logic, but why did I take it back from the front! Laugh at me flighty.逻辑思维步步向前走,可是我为什么要从最前面向后走呢!笑我轻浮。

8、But it is back in a new guise.但是他以一种新的外观回来的。

9、I cannot see you now, come back in half an hour.我现在不能见你, 半小时后回来。

10、Unfortunately, he came back unexpectedly and surprised her holding the elixir.不巧地是,后羿突然返回家中,意外撞见妻子手拿仙丹的情景。

11、Mike's changed since he came back – he seems positively cheerful.迈克自从回来后就变了–他看上去真是喜气洋洋。

12、The courier rounded up the tourists and hurried them back into the coach.导游把观光者集中在一起,催他们回到车中。

13、Breathe in and out; then switch back and forth.吸入、呼出,然后再切换往复。

14、Once you type I or a, you can enter text. Esc puts you back in command mode where you can type.当你键入i或a,你就可以输入文本。

15、Time presses and we must get back to work.时间紧迫,我们得回去上班了。

16、I spent time with Claire [Danes], and her portrayal of me back then is very authentic. She was me.我和克莱尔相处了一段时间,她对于那时的我的演绎是很可信的,她就是曾经的我。

17、IAN McEWAN is back on form.伊恩?麦克尤恩又以优异的表现回来了。

18、At last our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river.最后,我方士兵开始推进,迫使敌人向河边退去。

19、Please remember to hand back your room key before leaving the hotel.请别忘了在离开旅馆前把钥匙送回。

20、Her father paid a $10,000 ransom to get her back from a snatch她父亲付了一万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救出来。

21、Yet, as a strategy, pinning success on the back of Congress's unpopularity has flaws.然而,把成功押在国大党的有失民心之上,这样的战略还不完美。

22、Schools are usually modern in design, set well back from the road and spacious inside.学校通常设计现代,远离道路,内部宽敞。

23、"Blow hards who make claims that they can't back up.那些他们信誓旦旦的说的没有保证的大话。

24、the back part of a shoe or boot underneath the heel.鞋的后部分或靴的在脚后跟下面的部分。

25、Jim is able to hold back his anger and avoids a fight吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场斗殴

26、set the trigger of a firearm back for firing调节枪炮的扳机准备开火。

27、A bond, of course, is just an IOU, a promise to pay back money with interest by certain dates.债券,当然,这只是一个借据,承诺到期归还并支付利息的纸条。

28、That's why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, "Ouch!"这就是为什么当障碍物产生疼痛的信号时,你就会躲开障碍物,并且喊叫:“哎哟! ”!

29、May those who say to me, "Aha! Aha!" turn back because of their shame.3愿那些对我说,阿哈,阿哈的,因羞愧退后。

30、The next day I came back to stay for the duration.第二天,我从华盛顿返回会场,一直呆在那。

back翻译a. 后面的vt. 使后退, 支持vi. 倒退, 背靠ad. 向后地n. 背部, 后面【医】 背部, 背, 靠背【经】 支持, 订货; 向后地相关词组: back of beyond be gla 详情




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